We are raising a commYOUnity!!!
A commYOUnity of change for children with congenital and genetic disabilities and their famliles.
At the maiden edition of our Annual Special Needs Conference, themed raising a commYOUnity of change with one, we had representatives from different works of life within the Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State and the Lagos State Health District 1.
The conference recorded the presence and participation of representative the Permanent Secretary of Lagos State Health District 1, Head of Pediatrics Department of Alimosho General Hospital, Representative of the chairman Igando-Ikotun LCDA, Medical officer of Health (MOH) from the Districts, Public Health Workers, Representatives of Traditional Birth Attendant, World Health Committee (WHC), Community Development Heads (CDAs, CDCs), Traditional Chiefs, Religious leaders, Youth representatives, Parents, and Caregivers, among others.